2020 Product Updates

December 12, 2020

Bug Fixes
  1. Log in 'Exception Errors' are resolved
  2. Survey Builder: Trend group is not appearing in Step 5
  3. 360: Performance issues when exporting a monitor
  4. Reporting: PowerPoint Export comparision does not show Overall Trend when filtering by question

November 21, 2020

Issues Fixed
  1. Reporting Sites
    1. Translations not appearing in for the text 'Scores are compared to overall benchmark' for PowerPoint export
    2. Client logo and Kincentric logo overlap in PowerPoint export
    3. Segment Excel export wizard defaults all dimensions to selected but is no exporting all dimensions

New Features
360 Report Generation Page
  1. We added a Status column that displays the status of each report being generated
  2. New 'Refresh' button will update the Status column each time you click it
  3. Email confirmations will be sent to the report generator with a summary of the report actions. Email will include the number of: Reports requested, Reports failed and Reports completed.

October 31, 2020

Issues Fixed
  1. Survey Builder
    1. Spacing after question number missing when viewing surveys on mobile devices
    2. Survey publishing failed when survey did not include any branching
    3. Survey could be published without selecting a hierarchy node in the distribution list
    4. Survey publishing failed when you selected branching a question to new question that had different response options
    5. Survey publishing failed if the distribution list contained blank email addresses
  2. Org Manager
    1. Change Log did not provide message when employee and nodes were deleted
  3. 360
    1. Role based email notifications not sentRater role selection showed 'undefined' even when a role was selected
    2. Add Scheduled Notification was missing a template selection

New Features
Survey Builder
  1. New benchmarks for 2020! 
    • When creating new survey's you'll see additional benchmarks available and get the latest normative data when viewing reports.
    • When downloading the Question Library, you will see new benchmarks and a few removed that are no longer available.
  2. Historically if your distribution list contained participants with no email address, you could not publish the survey. We now allow you to publish the survey.
    • The participants without emails will not be included in the participation monitor counts.
    • You will receive a warning with the count of employees missing emails when you get to the Publish page and also in the Audience section fo the Confirm & Schedule page.


October 10, 2020

Issues Fixed
  1. Question Library
    1. Library is not loading for some users/clients
    2. Adding duplicate name for dimensions produces an error
  2. Org Manager
    1. Not able to upload file when email address contains: _@Cannot save a hierarchy after hierarchy is added to Survey Builder
  3. Survey Builder
    1. 500 error on home page or when adding new questions to a survey
  4. Reporting
    1. Error when trying to filter on a dimension that contains a comma

New Features
Survey Builder
  1. When creating custom demographics, you can now name your repsonse option group. This will allow you to easily identify the response option used when viewing questions in the list.
Reporting Site
  1. We're introducing a new report type when you export the data in PowerPoint called 'Comparison'. 
    • Easily create PPT exports that compare item, dimension, and index scores across segments that matter
    • Reduce the effort required to create presentation-ready reports that compare groups
    • Provides more flexibility to include or exclude items, dimensions, or indices in the PPT export
  1. Added CC and BCC to the email templates
  2. Added the ability to add raters from the search page
  3. New popup 'Are you sure?' popup when removing raters
  4. Added pagination to the report page so you can view more reports on the page

September 26, 2020

Issues Fixed
  1. Question Library
    1. Inability to delete translations for demographic response options.
  2. Org Manager
    1. Change log not displaying the correct information in all columns
    2. Timeout error when searching in a hierarchy with more than 2000 people
  3. Survey Builder
    1. Sort arrows do not work on the Dimensions View tab
    2. Using an existing survey audience with updated hierarchy creates duplicate contacts
    3. Branching generates and error if a question contains more than 250 characters
    4. Report users are not added after survey closes
  4. Reporting Sites
    1. Segments: Charts do not load if there is an exlamation mark in the display name of the filter group
    2. PowerPoint Exports: Translation for 'Difference in % Engagement' is not appearing on all slides
    3. Act: Approval request emails do not include comments

New Features
Survey Builder
  1. New 'Filter by Dimension' cabapility in the Add Questions page.

August 29, 2020

Issues Fixed
  1. Question Library
    1. Users cannot delete existing translations for demographic response options.
    2. Users cannot save or publish dimensions that are edited without changing the name
  2. Org Manager
    1. Org Manager application does not load in Internet Explorer 11 when trying to access it from the Survey Builder application
    2. When an employee file attribute is changed after publishing a survey, duplicate participants are created
  3. Survey Builder
    1. When branching, the sort order of the attribute values should appear in the same order as the employee file or distribution list
  4. Reporting Sites
    1. Act Page: Area to Improve section is diplaying duplicate dimensions
    2. Act Page: Excel export of action plans is displaying YYYY instead of the actual year
    3. Benchmarks: Missing multiple benchmarks, including ANZ Top Quartile
    4. Log In: Time out exceptions are occuring for some users

New Features
Survey Builder
  1. New 7-Point scales are available when creating custom questions:
    • 7-Point Agreement: (1) Strongly Disagree, (2) Disagree, (3) Somewhat Disagree, (4) Neutral, (5) Somewhat Agree, (6) Agree, (7) Strongly Agree
    • 7-Point Satisfaction: (1) Extremely Dissatisfied, (2) Dissatisfied, (3) Somewhat Dissatisfied, (4) Neutral, (5) Somewhat Satisfied, (6) Satisfied, (7) Extremely Satisfied
Org Manager
  1. New duplicate email's warnings
    • We’re providing new warnings when you upload or append an employee file that contains duplicate email addresses
    • You can download a report that contains the duplicate email addresses

August 8, 2020

Issues Fixed
  1. Admin Portal: Users cannot impersonat other Survey Builder/Org Manager users.
  2. Org Manager
    1. Users cannot upload new employees when a hierarchy is tied to a survey
    2. User experiences upload error when file contains more than 50k employees
    3. When a person was deleted from a hierarchy postion, the email address was still displaying in the 'Edit Open Position' textbox
  3. Survey Builder
    1. Employees who were Unparented in a hierarchy were not included in distribution lists
    2. Access emails were sent to reporting users upon survey publish instead of survey close
    3. Clicking the link to the reporting site resulted in directing the user to a login page
  4. Reporting sites
    1. Covid-19 survey's do not have engagement score benchmarks
    2. Listen page for Spark & Exit reporting sites does not display if user turned on Employee Suggestions on the Listen page
    3. Demographic options were occasionally missing

New Features
Survey Builder
  1. Duplicate email warnings: When you have a hierarchy or a distribution list were participants have the same email address, we now provide warnings alerting you. We've also included a handy toggle on the Distribution List tile in the control panel that allows you to quickly filter to see the results.
  2. Employee File (With Hierarchies) survey's now has two tiles in the Control Panel that allow for viewing the audience/distribution.
    • Distribution List Tile: We've revised this tile to provide you with a list view of your audience and added a 'Show duplicate email address' toggle so you can quickly filter the list and see duplicates.
    • New HIerarchy View Tile: Provides you with a hierarchy view of your audience and provides a quick link to see the duplicate email list.
Reporting Site

The Dashboard page on your reporting site and other areas can now be configured to show % Favorable instead of Engagement Level. This will make the dashboard customizable to the metrics that are important to you based on the type of survey you're conducting. Work with your Kincentric Project Manager to discuss your options.

Individual Engagement Report

The IER has been restyled to the new Kincentric look & feel. This restyle makes the report look customized and gives a better visual representation of the results. IER recipients will automatically see the restyled report.

July 18, 2020

Issues Fixed
  1. Surveyors who use single sign on to access surveys were not taken directly to new surveys.
  2. Org Manager
    1. 404 error recieved when you added an employee or open position above the top node in a hierarchy
  3. Survey Builder
    1. Duplicate emails within a distribution list was not allowed. You can now have duplicate email addresses, warnings will appear when you have duplicate emails and you will be allowed to proceed to the next step in the design process.
    2. Internal server error occured if you selected a custom question that has the same custom name as a Kincentric dimension name
    3. Questions were not present on a survey if you added a question to the survey after previewing it
    4. Duplicate email addresses within a distribution list was delaying information to the reporting site
    5. Duplicate email reminders were sent if users added new reminders after the survey was published or if you changed the open/close dates for the survey
    6. Distribution lists & participation monitor were not updated with added participants while the survey was live
    7. Save button did not work in Step 2 of the design process when custom demographics were added.

June 27, 2020

Issues Fixed
  1. Survey Builder
    1. Alternate questions are getting tagged with the parent question dimension
    2. 500 error appearing when copying a survey
    3. Custom demographic questions dissappear when you remove it and then try to re-add it
    4. Old benchmarks are not cleared when the survey is copied
  2. Org Manager
    1. Employee count is not updating employee count on summary page after refreshing the page
  3. Reporting
    1. Updating Russian key words for Employee Suggestions to ensure accuracy for suggestions.

New Features
Org Manager
  1. When uploading employee files, we will now apply Pascal corrections to each cell. This will ensure that when your survey gets to reporting, the filter and segment label text appears correctly if you uploaded typo's. Examples of Pascal corrections:
    • "Business solutions" & "BUSINESS Solutions", both values would be converted to "Business Solutions".
    • "mSynch" (and there are no other value discrepancies) would remain "mSynch" and wouldn't be transformed.
  2. Last Name or Full name are now required fields in the Employee File. 
    • Since we use this criteria to create your distribution lists in Survey Builder, these fields cannot be empty.  When you start building your hierarchies, you will experience an error letting you know you have missing information. 
Survey Builder
  1. When creating custom questions, you will now be able to assing a question to both a Dimension and Index.
  2. When re-uploading a distribution list, you will now see the number of employees in the survey audience section of the Confirm & Schedule page.
  3. When selecting 'Hierarchy Structure' (Group based links) as the data source in Step 1 of the design process, branching will now be available in Step 3. Previously, you could not use branching if you selected this data source.

June 6, 2020

Issues Fixed
  1. Survey Builder
    1. Trend your results showing an incorrect value
    2. Monitor is not showing proper N count after adding more participants
  2. Question Library
    1. All Enabled Languages column showing an incorrect 'Available Translations' count
    2. Questions Tab in the library Excel export is missing the response options for demographics

New Features
Org Manager
  1. We now have indicators throughout Org Manager that identify when an Employee File is being used to build a survey. 
    1. On the Employee Files page: A new status message of 'In Use' will display.  Move your cursor over the status to see which survey the employee file is being used for.
    2. In the Hierarchies, Employees and Column tabs: We show a new message that indicates what survey the employee file is being used for.
    3. On the Hierarchy List Page: You will not be able to delete any hierarchies that are being used in a survey, so the delete button is disabled.
  2. When creating hierarchies within an Employee File, the names of the hiearchies must be unique. 
    1. Previously, you couldn't have any hierarchies with the same name anywhere in your account. We've narrowed it down to just Employee File hierarchies.
  3. When you upload an employee file, we're now scanning the file and removing any blank spaces at the beginning and the end of each cell. This will ensure that when your data gets to reporting, the labels display correctly.
Survey Builder
  1. In Step 4 - Distribute your survey: We increased the Hierarchy Node and Distribution List limits from 20,000 to 100,000 records. 
Question Library
  1. We increased the number of response options you can program for demographic questions from 300 to 1000.

May 16, 2020

Issues Fixed
  1. Survey Reporting 
    1. My Reports: Benchmarks for custom norms not working
    2. My Reports: Translations for the response option of 'No' is not displaying
    3. Power Point Export: Error when trying to export the Benchmark
    4. Dashboard: Min N threshold not implemented for RWA3 when a parent group does not exist
    5. Act: PDF Export missing translations for Progress, Days Remaining and Areas
    6. Monitor: Incorrect survey end date displayed
    7. Monitor: Error when navigating to the Monitor page.
  2. Survey Builder
    1. System slowness
    2. Removing or adding questions disabled the Save button
    3. Design your survey page: Required to save the page before branching features were made available
    4. Distribute your survey page: Download Template button did not work
    5. Distribute your survey page: Validation on Employee ID did not work as expected
  3. Org Manager
    1. Multiple change logs created when editing a node in the hierarchyAdding/Removing people from the hierarchy was not sending data to Survey Builder
  4. Question Library
    1. 'Download Full Library' button fixed to include Client Library in the export
    2. Question ID not generating in Language View

Feature Changes
Survey Reporting Applications (Thrive, My Reports, Spark, Exit, Change, Culture, Risk)
  1. We will be introducing a limit to the number of comparison groups a user can export into Excel from Learn. The new limit for the number of groups a user can export for at one time is 500.
    • We are imposing this limit to prevent any adverse system impacts when large numbers of groups are exported by multiple users. This will enable us to continue to provide quick access to results, without lengthy page load or export processing times.
All Applications
  1. All of our applications will show a Release Number in the application footer.

New Features
Survey Builder 
  1. Benchmarks
    1. New 2019 benchmarks are available for selection when creating new survey's in Survey Builder and downloading the full library from Question Library.
    2. Old benchmarks are removed for selection, your existing selections within a survey will not be impacted.
    3. When you copy an existing survey or create a new survey, you'll be asked to select new benchmarks.
  2. Control Panel
    1. Distribution List Tile has new features depending on which distribution type you selected when designing the survey.
      1. Employee File (with Hierarchies): View your full hierarchy and download a list of names and email addresses.
      2. Other Source (Distribution List): Delete participants individually or in bulk. Previously this capability was in the Reset/Reopen/Resend tile. We moved it here so you can manage people in your distribution list all in one place.

Org Manager
  1. Employees Page now has the ability to delete people in bulk. When a person is deleted, we create an open position so the org structure doesn't change.
  2. Non-Managerial Hierarchys have a new 'Type' selection when building a hierarchy.
    1. Choose the 'Type' from the dropdown list
    2. You are allowed one type per Employee File

April 18, 2020

Issues Fixed
  1. Survey Reporting Applications 
    1. Act: Page refresh required in ordedr to see the selected dimension in the 'Areas to Improve' section
    2. Act: Filters were not applied when exporting data
    3. Act: 'No Results' message appears when searching on a name twice
    4. Act: Dimension filter does not provide results when searching on non-English key words
  2. Survey Builder
    1. Error when appending distribution lists file prior to publishing surveys.
  3. Question Library
    1. 'Download Library' button does not download the library Excel file.
  4. Org Manager
    1. Adding an 'Open Postion' within a hierarchy does not save entered data.

New Features

In this release we introduced Org Manager to Survey Builder. When building surveys, you can easily use hierarchies and employee data from Org Manager to create question branching and build your survey distribution list! This introduction will make designing a survey even faster and allow you manage your data and hierarchies while you're designing surveys.

Org Manager
  1. Added 'Upload Progress' status pop-ups so you know when your file is ready for editing.
  2. Added 'File Editing' notifications & warnings letting you know when someone is editing data that you are viewing. This will prompt you to refresh the page and prevent you from making edits while someone else is modifying the data.
Question Library
  1. We added 'Crisis Management: COVID-19' as a question template and provided new questions related to COVID-19 that you can use on your surveys. Please reach out to your Kincentric representative if you're interested in  our free COVID-19 Survey offer.
Survey Builder

We made a significant amount of changes in Survey Builder as a result of the new features we released.

  1. When creating custom questions, we added a new '10 point scale' response option.
  2. Step 1: Initial survey setup has a new 'Employee Data Source' section. The selections made in this step will determine what features are available for question branching and creating distribution lists.
  3. The Steps Menu has been revised.
    • Step 2: Define survey content - This step is where you define your survey title, intro and add your survey questions.
    • Step 3: Design your survey - This new step is where you can create question branching and sort the order of your questions.
  4. The new Question Branching feature in 'Step 3: Design your survey' allows you to use branching to hide or show questions based on different conditions:
    • A previous question in a survey
    • Attributes from an Employee File in Org Manager or a Distribution List file
    • Nodes in hierarchy from an Employee File in Org Manager
  5. 'Step 4: Distribute your survey' has a few new features that are available when using hierarchies from Org Manager. Watch the Employee Data Source video for an overview for details on how each of these distribution options are selected.
    1. When you select 'Hierarchy Structure' as your Employee Data Source, you have the new 'Group based links' distribution option. This feature creates unique links to a survey for each node in the hierarchy structure.
    2. When you select 'Employee File (With Hierarchies)' as your Employee Data Source, you have the option to select nodes in your hierarchy to create your distribution list.

March 4, 2020

Issues Fixed
  1. My Reports Learn Page: Displaying '&' as '&'
  2. My Reports Dashboard Page: Menu will not display if you have no data configured.
  3. Survey Builder: Distribution upload fails when an email address contains an apostrophe
  4. My Reports/Survey Builder: My Reports data is not present if a file name contains non-english characters
  5. Survey Builder: Corrected error message when duplicate ID's are present in a distribution list file

Configuration Changes
Org Manager
  1. The Excel export of a hierarchy will now contain Managerial Direct Reports & Rollup count columns.
Survey Builder
  1. You can now create surveys that only contain 'open ended' question types. (Historically a survey was required to have at least one question with a response option type question.
Survey Reporting Applications
  1. Participation Monitor page viewing has been improved for mobile devices.
  2. Dashboard & Learn pages: Employee Suggestions will be configurable in additional languages. New languages will only work on new setups that are configured for them after deployment, it will not work on historical surveys.
    1. Japanese
    2. German
    3. Polish
    4. French France
    5. Chinese Simplified
    6. Portuguese Brazil
    7. Russian
    8. Italian
    9. Thai
    10. Spanish Mexico
    11. Spanish Spain
    12. Hungarian

February 22, 2020

Configuration Changes
My Reports - Client Notification

Historically in My Reports we have included 'In Progress' survey responses in the reporting calculations. After this deployment this feature will be turned off and we will not include partial responses in reporting. 

  • Why did we do this: Overwhelming feedback from client's indicated that if a participant didn't click 'submit' on their survey then they didn't intend to send us information. Therefore, we shouldn't include them when reporting.
  • Only new surveys that close after 2/22/2020 will exclude partial responses. Historical survey reporting will not be impacted. 
  • If you want to include 'In Progress' responses in future survey reports, you will need to contact your Kincentric project team.
Survey Reporting Applications 

We've made selecting a language easier!

  • New 'Globe' icon on the routing and reporting pages let you quickly select a different language.
  • Previously you had to click the arrow next to your name and select it from the dropdown menu.

Issues Fixed
  1. Question Library
    1. The Dimension page has a new 'Source' column
    2. Manage Dimension table displays check mark when the dimension does not have all translations
  2. Survey Reporting Applications (My Reports, Thrive, Change, Risk, Culture, Spark, Exit)
    1. PowerPoint export wizard was not enforcing all user rules and some users could see hidden features
    2. PowerPoint export displayed dimensions that were not linked to any questions
    3. Thai language mistakes in Segment due to letter spacing
    4. Language selection modal appeard behind other dropdown selections
    5. Act PDF export: Comments were not included in the export
    6. My Reports Dashboard timed out too quickly and displayed an error page
  3. Survey Builder
    1. Selecting questions does not show associated dimensions in the 'Dimension View' tab
    2. Add Questions section displayed incorrect text when creating or editing a custom dimension
    3. 'End of Survey' message was not aligned correctly on the survey page
    4. Selecting a response option did not trigger the question list page when creating custom dimensions
    5. Invitation email trigger had a 7 hour delay
  4. Org Manager
    1. Copy link to clipboard did not work in IE11
    2. Uploading a New Column file failed if employees were missing from the file
    3. Org Manager Logo resizing
    4. Page navigation redirect to Hierarchy listing page after you create a hierarchy instead of Employee File list page.

New Features
Question Library
  1. Create 'Alternate Version' of Kincentric Library questions.
    • This new feature will allow you to create alternate versions of a Kincentric Library question which will allow you to keep our benchmarks when reporting.
    • Use this feature when you want to make simple question text change like changing 'My Organization' to 'My Department. 
    • Make sure when creating the alternate version that the text changes you make don't change the meaning of the question or the benchmarks won't make sense!
    • We've created aBest Practices for Survey Design presentation to help you create great questions.
  2. Create a Copy of Kincentric or My Company library questions.
    • This feature will allow you to create a copy of an existing question and edit it. 
    • Use this feature to quickly make new questions using an existing question.
Org Manager
  1. When using the 'Employee File' option, you can now edit the column values via the 'Columns' tab.
  2. When uploading a hierarchy file, we've added some status messaging so you know when your file is ready for creating hierarchies.
    • New upload progress popup will provide you with the progress % as the file uploads. You can cancel the upload from the popup.
    • New status column on the Employee Files page will let you know when the file is done processing and ready for creating hierarchies.
    • New 'Your employee file is still processing' message will appear in the Employee File page.
    • New 'The hierarchy is still being processed' warning message will appear if you try to create a hiearchy before the file is ready. 
  3. In the 'Manager Hierarchy' view, you can now edit the hiearchy by 'right clicking' on a person.

February 1, 2020

Ready for some rockin' new features in our eX Pulse applications? Our roadmap is insane with new features that will bring Survey Builder, Question Library and Org Manager to the next level!! We're so excited about them, we're going to list them first! 

Question Library

The Question Library will allow you to create your own custom items and share them with all your Survey Builder users! Create demograhic questions, survey questions, dimensions and indicies and publish them to Survey Builder.  New features include:

  1. Export entire library to Excel
  2. Create custom survey questions
  3. Create custom demographic questions
  4. Create custom dimensions
  5. Create custom indiciesSave custom items as draft or publish to Survey Builder for other users in your company to use
  6. Manage question translations
Survey Builder

Want to create custom dimensions for easy reporting? Go ahead! We've added the capability to create your own dimensions and indexes. You can add Kincentric questions, client library questions or your own survey specific questions to it!  You can also choose from any custom questions or dimensions built in the Question Library.

New features include:

  • Create dimensions and indexes
  • Copy dimensions
  • Filter questions by library
  • Add client library survey and demograhpic questions
Org Manger

How about building some fancy org hierarchies using an employee file. Upload an employee file and build tons of hierarchies based on the columns in your file. Org Manager now supports all kinds of hierarchies like; manager, position, location and hybrid hierarchies. Upload the file and Org Manager will ask you guiding questions to help you build the type of hierarchy you want. 

Take some time and get familiar with the new features, our roadmap is driving us towards using these hierarchies to create survey distribution's in Survey Builder!

New features include:

  1. Upload Employee files
  2. Manage employee data file using bulk edits
  3. Update all hierarchies at once with file edits
  4. Guided hierarchy building
  5. Create different types of hierarchies based on your data; manager, position, location or hybrid
  6. Export hierarchies to Excel

Issues Fixed
  1. 360 Application - We increased the report generation timeout by 20 minutes.
  2. Reporting Application
    1. Thrive - Unused Slide Masters with PPT download message
    2. My Reports - The engagement score dial is not displaying properly in the PowerPoint download.
    3. Segment NPS Chart - Incorrect Category assigned to Collapsed Category. 'Passive' category was reflecting as 'Detractor'.
    4. Act - Need to refresh the page to see changes made in the "Map Actions to Dimensions" section. Close and Expand Act action doesn't refresh the section.
    5. Act - Default Dimension is not displaying the name correctly.
    6. Act - 'Filter by Org Hierarchy' did not work
    7. Act - 'Mapped Actions to Dimensions' field is not populated in PDF export
    8. Act - 'Only My Plans' toggle does not work for user with access to 'All Plans'
    9. Act - Missing translations 
  3. Survey Builder - Edit Custom Question modal is out of format in IE11
  4. Research: Change all references of ‘password’ to ‘access code’ in survey administration areas