Survey Reporting Resources

Kincentrics reporting solution enable organizations to accurately assess surveys and provides a roadmap to creating a healthy, thriving workplace.

Each of the features in the reporting site will vary depending upon your specific configuration, which was defined by your project team, so you may find information that might not apply to you when navigating through Thrive, Culture, Change, Risk, Spark and Exit. In general, the information on how to use the survey reporting applications is the same and this survey reporting guide will help answer any questions you have.

Survey Reporting Handbook

View & download this quick reference handbook for a condensed version of this website containing the essentials of what you need to get started and guidance for each feature.

View Handbook

Getting Started

Learn how to log in, reset your password, select a  language  and view our system requirements.

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The  Dashboard homepage  provides a compacted view of your scores in various ways all on one page. Read how scores are calculated and how to use the modals in each section to explore the data further.

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Filtering & Comparing

Understanding the  selectors  at the top of each page and how to use them will help you explore your results in a meaningful way.

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