Action Planning

Now that you've analyzed your data and discovered the areas where you need to act, its time to take action and make meaningful change in your organization. Act helps you organize your plan and keep track of progress.


Expand each section below for detailed instructions.

Create an Action using Best Practices Website (Expert Suggestions)

From the Dashboard page you can get to Act by either clicking on the Navigation Menu and selecting Act, or by clicking the View Actions button in the Focus Areas section at the bottom of the page.

You will be taken to the Act page where you will see all of the action plans where you are a part of the team or the team leader.  Begin by selecting which team you want to create an action for.  

  1. Use the 'Only My Plans' toggle to reduce the list to see only the teams where you are the leader
  2. Click the Team Name or the Green button
  3. Click the Add An Action button
  4. Click the Expert Suggestions button to go to the Best Practices website to get ideas for creating the action
  5. Follow the Prompts to create your action
  6. Click Add An Action

Complete the rest of the Action requirements
  1. Click the Expander icon to see the details of the action
  2. Click the Pencil button for each sectionand enter the details of the plan
    • Tip! Hover over the info icons for more information on each part of the plan.

Create an Action using Virtual Coach

When creating an action using Virtual Coach, you will begin from the Dashboard (home) page of the reporting site, not the Act page. 

  1. On the Dashboard (home) page, use the Filter Group selector to select the Group you want to create the action for. 
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Focus Areas and click the Virtual Coach link for the Dimension you want to create the action for.
  3. The Virtual Coach website will open. Click the I am ready! button.

Create Actions

You have two options for creating actions.

  1. Pick any action by simply clicking on it
  2. Create your own by clicking on the text Click here to begin
  3. A summary of how many actions your've selected will appear at the top. When you're ready, click the Add Actions button.

Finalize your Actions

Virtual Coach has built in tools that will send you an email reminder so you don't forget to update your action plans.

  1. Enter the Success Indicator
  2. Select How Often you want a reminder sent from the dropdown. You can unsubscribe from email's later.
  3. Select a Completion Date from the calendar
  4. Repeat for all other actions you created
  5. Click Lets Finalize
    • Once you click 'Lets Finalize', your actions will be sent to the Act page within Thrive. This might take up to 5 minutes to appear.

Great Job and Good Luck!

Your actions have been sent to Act and your reminders have been scheduled. You now have 3 options to continue:

  1. Print a screenshot of each action by clicking on the Print icon
  2. Return to the Dashboard page of Thrive by clicking on Results
  3. Go to the Act page of Thrive by clicking on Actions

Repeat this process to create additional actions. Don't forget to use the Filter Group selector to select the desired group when creating additional actions.

Act Dashboard Overview
Understanding Plans

The Team (or Group) dashboard displays if you have been designated to participate in multiple action plans.  It could be that you’re on a Team Plan specifically created for special action plans by your manager or company, or you may have a Group Plan setup where you have plans for each of the divisions in your hierarchy. How this is set up was determined by your company.

The dashboard displays all the teams/groups you are a part of so you can quickly see high level details of the teams/groups and navigate to the team/group you want to view. Use the Only My Plans toggle reduce the plans on the page and only view the teams you own.

  • All Teams (Groups): Lists every action plan that you are a part of. Either you are the leader/manager of a Group Plan or a designated participant of a Team Plan by your company.
  • Only My Teams (Groups): Lists every action plan where you own creating and maintaining the actions. You are the leader/manager of the Team Plan or Group Plan.

Dashboard Features
  1. View team actions from previous years.
  2. Download Menu will allow you to export the details of all the teams on the page.
    • For more information on how to download, visit the Download  page.
  3. Only My Teams toggle will allow you to navigate between your plans and a plans where you are part of a team/group.
    • Toggle may not be available to you if you aren't on any team plans.
  4. Search & Filter allows you to reduce the number of teams displayed on the page by a specific criteria you select.
    1.  Search: Search by a specific Dimension, Lead Name or Team Name
    2.  Filter: Reduce the lists of teams displayed on the page by plan status: Not Started, In Progress or Complete
    3.  Hierarchy: Filter by organization using company the hierarchy
  5. Click on the Team Name or the Go icon to navigate to the team page.
  6. Team Summary will display the details of the team if this is a 'Team Plan' (not a group/hierarchy-based plan)
  7. Summary of the plan details
  8. Pagination to go to the next page of action plans

Managing Your Actions

Once an action has been created, you should regularly update the progress. You can make edits to any part of the action at any time.

Delete an Action

This action cannot be un-done. Once an action is deleted you would need to reach out to your Kincentric partner to have it re-added. Please ensure you want to complete this action before continuing.

  1. Click the Expand icon on the top left of the action to expand the details
  2. Click the Delete button in the Action row
  3. Click Delete

Update Progress
  1. Click the Expand icon on the top left of the action to expand the details
  2. Hover of the Progress Bar and Dragthe bar to the desired position
    • The Progress Log section will indicate that the progress was changed, what it was changed to, who changed it and the date/time it was changed.

  • The complete percent progress number will automatically update. It is a system calculation which is the average of the progress percent of all actions combined.

General Action Edits
  1. Click the Expand icon on the top left of the action to expand the details
  2. Click the Pencil icon in any of the items you need to change
  3. Make the desired changes
  4. Click Save

How to Unsubscribe from Virtual Coach Reminders

You can unsubscribe from email reminders at any time.

  1. Open the Email Reminder
  2. Click the Update Subscription Preferences link at the bottom of the email
  3. Select: Unsubscribe me from the reminder emails for this topic
  4. Click: Update Preferences