Comment Insights

Comment Insights is Kincentric's new and improved way to analyze the comments on a survey and will replace the Listen page. You may still see the Listen page if your company has not yet transitioned to Comment Insights. 

In Comment Insights, you can explore the verbatim comments that your employees entered on the survey using a combination of smart filters. Comments should be used to compliment and add context to the quantitative data you receive for your group.

As with the rest of the data, thresholds are in place for the comments as well. The threshold for comments is by number of respondents and the standard threshold is 30.

Before you begin...

  • Watch the video overview of the Comment Insights page for a quick tutorial.



Landing Page
  • Each question is grouped into different summary boxes, the comment Response Rate is listed at the top left side of the box. The Response Rate shown is calculated by taking the count of the number of comments divided by the count of survey respondents. The response rate will update with the use of the group filter(s), but not based on the search feature.
  • The Number of Respondents is the total number of people who took the survey and entered in a comment. This will change when filters are applied to only display the number of respondents that apply to all of the filters you've selected.
  • Top three categories that comments related to is displayed only when asked the participant to select a category for their comment on the survey. The top three are listed based on the highest percent of selections for the category. When there are two categories with the same percentage, they are sorted alphabetically.

Survey Dimensions Being Discussed
  • Each tile lists the percent of comments for each dimension. It is sorted from highest to lowest score and alphabetically when two dimensions have the same score.
  • Click on the tile to filter the comments below to only show the comments for dimension you selected. When you click on a tile, the word cloud on the right will change to reflect the words used most in comments for the dimension you selected.
  • You can select multiple dimensions at once.
  • To clear your selections, you can click on the tile again to remove it or click the Clear button in the top right corner of the section to remove all your selections.

Words Being Discussed
  • The word cloud is only available in English, however our system translates all the comments to English before configuring the word cloud, so no comment is left out.
  • The words displayed are a visual representation of the words that were used most in the comments. The larger the word, the more often it was used.
  • Click on a word to filter the comments below to see all the comments that used the word.
  • To clear your selections, you can click the Clear button in the top right corner of the section to remove all your selections.

Employee Verbatim Comments Section
  • Use the Event Selector at the top of the page to select other surveys.
  • Use the Group Filter at the top to drill down to a specific group of people or demographic.
  • Use the Search Feature to find themes or all comments with a specific word or phrase. Use combinations of words using Boolean search features to include or exclude words by including any of the following words: and, or, not or double quotes.
  • Translate Responses is a feature available depending on your company configuration. Use the dropdown and select the language you would like all the comments to appear in.
  • Export the results to Excel for offline viewing,
    1. Select the type of export you want from the Dropdown menu in the Quick Export Banner
    2. Click the Export button to send the export to the Download Manager
      • PDF: You will not need to make any additional selections when choosing this option and a PDF will be created for you to download.
      • Excel: This option will download all of the comments selected in the filters in an Excel format.
      • PowerPoint: This option is primarily used for downloading overall Engagement results and will not include the comments.
    3. Click on the Download Manager button at the top right side of the page
    4. Click Download next to the file that you just named. Depending on what browser you use and the settings, the file will either open in a new tab or become available in your computer 'Downloads' folder.