Updating Service Provider IDP SSO Certificate

The information provided is to help you understand how and where to update an existing certificate with a new certificate from your SP SSO provider. Our information assumes you have a working knowledge of SSO setup with your company's provider such as Okta or Azure AD. If you have any questions, please reach out to  SSOSupport@kincentric.com .


  • Click this link to download the certificate: 2023 certificate 
    • The 2023 certificate is valid immediately and must be updated by Monday, July 31, 2023.

Azure AD

  • Microsoft's Azure AD instructions for updating the SP certificate can be found here: 
    • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/manage-apps/howto-saml-token-encryption?tabs=azure-portal
    • You can find the certificate under Token encryption.


  • OKTA's instructions for updating the SP certificate can be found here: 
    • https://help.okta.com/oie/en-us/Content/Topics/Apps/Apps_App_Integration_Wizard_SAML.htm
    • You can find the certification under Application/Applications/Edit SAML Integration/Show Advanced Settings